Tickets are now on sale. You can register via Eventbrite; once you have requested your place we will issue an invoice for payment.
Registration is now open
Have a look at the programme and ticket options, then book your place
Travel to venue
Accommodation check-in opens
From 3pm
We’re working on a range of ‘stretch your legs’ activities. Confirmed so far:
3:00-5:30pm - a walk up the Wrekin led by the Shropshire Hills National Landscape team
3:00-4:30pm - a tour of the Harper Adams farm
5:00-6:00pm - five-a-side football. All welcome - this isn't a men-only slot!
TBC - a group
You will be able to book your choice of activities via the conference app.
7pm for 8pm
The bar opens ahead of dinner. Tuesday evening will be a relaxed welcome night.
Gentle yoga. Booking will be via the conference app.
Registration, networking and tea/coffee
Welcome to the conference
• National Landscape Association Chair’s introduction
• Welcome from your hosts – Phil Holden, Shropshire National Landscape
• Welcome from Harper Adams University - Ken Sloan, Vice Chancellor
• Platinum Sponsor’s address